Dr. Teresa Ekaete Nwachukwu
Dr. Teresa Ekaete Nwachukwu graduated with a medical degree from the University of Lagos, and has acquired advanced degrees and competencies in Public Health, Health Management, Global Health, Forensic Science, and Field Epidemiology, both in Nigeria and the United States.
She is a Certified Early Leadership Toolkit Trainer from the Center for Creative Leadership, CCL, Greensboro, North Caroline, and a Certified World Class Speaking Coach.
She is an award-winning speaker and has won many local, national, and international speech contests including being a semi-finalist at the 2011 Toastmasters International Speech contest in Las Vegas.
She is the FCT State Epidemiologist and the founder of Steps to the Top Leadership Center (STLC), a non-profit organization that provides leadership development content for youth, women, and vulnerable persons.
She is a storyteller and a distinguished Toastmaster and has been a Faculty at APLUS Trainers since the beginning of the sterling organization.
Teresa loves scrabble, and badminton and is happily married with children.